Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Genetic Difference

Do you ever think why your face or your appearance looks like your parents' have? The answer is because we have our parents' gene, one from the mother and one from the father. The dominant will win and the recessive one will lose. For example, if your father has the gene that control the white skin but your mother has the gene that control the dark skin. If your father's gene is dominant, you will have the white skin, rather than the dark skin.

God is the Most Great. He create every people with diference fingerprinting. No one in this world have the same fingerprinting, otherwise many problem will be create. The fingerprinting is very useful to indicate the criminal and to detect the identity of a person.

How about the cancer? Many people said that if your parents have serious disease like heart attack or diabetis, you will have high probality to have those too. May be, it is because of the genetic. The same goes to the case of having twin children. If you have ancestor or grandparents or parents or relatives that have twin before this, may be you will have twin too.

Nowadays, biogenetic becomes very famous. It is one of the field that we must discover and of course we will learn many things that we do not know before this.

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